Why create Instagram AR Filters for your brand?

Nowadays our mobile phones have an integral part in our everyday lives, and due to the difficulties caused by the pandemic, the connection with our smart devices has been forged even stronger. 

Due to the changed living conditions, we spend more and more time in our homes, and this stimulus-poor environment limits the brands’ marketing campaigns. 

In 2019, Instagram, one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, enabled the development of AR Filters for marketing, creating an excellent opportunity to reach young people’s attention. 


Since then, innovation in the digital advertising industry has become unimaginable without AR. Augmented-reality experiences are driven by interactivity, that easily grabs the attention of the target audience that quickly becomes bored otherwise. 

Social media users usually trust the opinions of their family and friends more than the violent attempts of companies. Hence the use of AR Filters provides a perfect middle ground that combines the familiar face with the advertised product and service. Through this interaction, users feel closer to the product, as the effect shared on the friends’ profiles appears along with their own reflection.

This unique experience creates an emotional relationship between the consumers and the products that encourage them to start purchasing and increases their brand awareness. This way, the image of the brand remains in the consumers’ memory through positive personal experience.

According to Hootsuite, consumers are 2.4 times more likely to consider content created by other users to be authentic than content created by brands. Therefore, if brands focus on marketing through consumers, it can increase their credibility.

A solution like this can also reduce advertising costs, as content shared on the app reaches a lot of people easily and quickly, without a paid distribution. These savings can be creatively used to develop other areas of the brand.

Creating an Instagram Filter is not complicated at all. But since anyone can develop these with free applications, AR Filters made for advertising purposes must stand out in some way.

In a world where consumers are exposed to newer and newer content daily, we must try to pique their interest with some creative alternatives that are relevant to our brand.

Some brands use the capabilities of AR Filters to introduce new products to their potential costumers. With online “try-on” makeup products, sunglasses, or even pieces of clothing, the brand connects with its audience in a fun, exciting way. 

The 3D projection of innovative products from the automotive industry seen in our environment can encourage the user to think about what it would be like to sit in the car, to drive it or even on the purchase itself. 

Due to the appearance of the well-known offerings of our favourite restaurants, we can start craving the given products, or by meeting the novelties, we can take an interest in trying them.

Therefore, it is crucial to define the explicit goal of our AR campaign. And, with this in mind, we should create a filter that boldly deviates from known examples and focuses on experience to be able to leave a lasting imprint on our potential customers.


How to use AR filters in a marketing campaign?


Why is 2020 the year of AR?